


320 pp
PB 216 x 135 mm
Mono £14.99 / $19.95
World Rights Available


A Practical Guide to the Energetics of Disruption

Briana Pegado

This is a galvanizing guide to disruption; make your life and community better with a life-changing outlook on how change happens through energy. Using various energy workings, including Theta Healing, tarot, astrology, goddess energy and more, this book will show you how to find your values, stand in your integrity, be a leader, and channel disruption for powerful change. Discover many practical ways of bringing about change, from improving personal relationships, to challenging big systems of power. Explore the Values Compass tool to unearth your true values and priorities. And equip yourself with the self-care tools to protect your own energy, including setting boundaries, building a network and rest as resistance.

BRIANA PEGADO FRSA is a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. She is a trained ThetaHealer, a psychic intuitive, a student of astrology and an artist. She was named one of Scotland’s 30 Under 30 Inspiring Young Women in 2017 and has won a number of awards for her work as a social entrepreneur in the creative industries. Currently, she is an anti-racism and governance consultant working across the third and public sector. 

346 pp
HB 246 x 189 mm
£25.00 / $35.00
Rights Restricted


An Illustrated Guide to the Sentinels that Guard Our Shore

Roger O’Reilly

A unique celebration of 100 of Britain’s most spectacular lighthouses, from the Lizard in Cornwall to Muckle Flugga in the Shetlands. Illustrated with fantastic retro poster-style images by award-winning artist Roger O’Reilly, this wonderful guide is aimed at walkers, art lovers, maritime and countryside enthusiasts, and anyone who just loves lighthouses!

Tales of ghosts, shipwrecks and endurance abound. In 1801 at Smalls, in Pembrokeshire, one keeper died and the other went mad, waiting almost four months for rescue as the body of his colleague decomposed. Souter in Sunderland is reputed to be haunted by Grace Darling’s niece Isabella. Ardnamurchan in the far west of Scotland is so remote that its builders came down with scurvy. Lundy South, was the base of Thomas Benson, a former MP for Barnstaple and Devon’s most notorious smuggler.

ROGER O'REILLY grew up near the Boyne Estuary lighthouse in County Meath. His illustrations have appeared in publications from the South China Post and The Irish Times to GQ and the Daily Mail.He is the author of Lighthouses of Ireland.

256 pp
PB 216 x 182 mm
Full-colour photographs of the crystals 
£18.99 / $22.95
Mind, Body, Spirit/Crystals
World Rights Available


Gem Sorcery to Improve Your Wellbeing and Mindset


Would you like to experience crystals in a completely new way, using your senses to tap into the healing energies of the Universe? Sensory Crystal Healing presents the Gem Sorcery Method, a brand-new approach to crystal healing that works by activating all your five senses and seven chakras. 

Illustrated throughout with Amaris’s stunning photography, this is a stand-out book for a new generation of crystal lovers. At its heart are seven chapters themed around the body’s major chakras (energy centres). Each one offers practices to wake up your senses, from audio downloads of Amaris’s visceral meditations to exercises in which you explore the feel of different crystals, to crystal work incorporating the use of healing herbs. The book also uses offers tools such as alignment, shadow work and intention programming to empower you to make lasting changes in your life. 

AMARIS is a life coach and crystals expert with 245k followers on Instagram. She developed the Gem Sorcery Method to support her mental health and help her heal from chronic autoimmune illness.