


208 pp
PB 216 x 135 mm
£16.99 / $22.95
Rights Sold: Audio

They Were Here Before Us

Stories from Our First Million Years

Ran Barkai & Eyal Halfon

Taking as its focus ten prehistoric sites in Israel, the land corridor through which the human species passed on its journey from Africa to Europe,  book is about us – human beings. It’s about where we came from, how we used to live, what we did wrong and how we thrived. It’s about the stories that can be told about the deep past.

The authors follow in the footsteps of our ancestors, travelling from Israel to Europe, Africa and the Americas, describing the tools they used, the animals they hunted and the monuments they built. From the earliest human use of fire and the transformative effect of cave art to the woman for whom 90 tortoises were sacrificed, this book gives a fascinating insight into the lives, loves and struggles of prehistoric people.

RAN BARKAI is a professor of prehistoric archaeology at Tel Aviv University. For the past 20 years, he has co-directed the excavations and research at Middle Pleistocen Qesem Cave.

EYAL HALFON is a screenwriter and movie director with a master’s degree in Archaeology from Tel Aviv University.

272 pp
PB 234 x 153 mm
£14.99 / $22.95
Rights Sold: Audio

The Modern Art of War

Sun Tzu’s Hidden Path to Peace and Wholeness

Hunter Liguore

Sun Tzu’s Art of War is usually read as a book of strategies for gaining victory over our opponents. The Modern Art of War presents a new interpretation of this much-read ancient Chinese text: it isn’t about winning on the battlefield or in business, but rather about fighting to control our mind and the thoughts that rule it. What if Sun Tzu wasn’t a general at all, but a spiritual advisor, and that the Art of War was written not for a king, but for the people?

Each chapter offers the original text from the Art of War alongside the author’s interpretation of its symbolism and meaning, as well as questions to help you understand its message and acitivities to help you apply it to your own life. This book will teach readers how to “conquer” or still the mind in order to reveal their own hidden teacher and recognize that the root of conflict begins within. 

HUNTER LIGUORE is an award-winning writer, professor and historian, with a lifelong study in philosophy. She specializes in the work of Sun Tzu, whose principles she teaches to her students at Lesley University. Find out more at: hunterliguore.org