
NEW TITLES - September 2024


272 pp
HB 234 x 153 mm
75 full-colour linocut-style illustrations
£18.99 / $22.95
World Rights Available

frightful folklore
of north america

Bloodcurdling Tales from the Panama Canal to the North Pole

Mike Bass

Aimed at all those with an interest in folk tales, real-life ghost stories and horror, this beautifully illustrated book offers scary legends and folklore from Canada to Mexico and from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast, including Native American tales, settlers’ stories and African-American legends, as well as ghost stories, urban legends and modern tales of cryptids and aliens.

Shake in your shoes as you read about the Camazotz of Mexico, large man-bats that hunt humans in packs; La Corriveau of Quebec, a woman hanged for murder and witchcraft, who runs through the night in her gibbet chasing her victims; the Ghost Moose of Maine, which entices hunters to pursue it until they perish from some woodland accident or die of starvation ... and many, many more!

MIKE BASS is a print-maker, folklorist and storyteller who loves hearing a good tale as much as telling one. He owns, with his wife, the Zip-Dang shop in Madison and is the author of the Folklore Oracle. Find out more on Instagram: @wisconsinmythos‍

304 pp
HB 234 x 153 mm
80 full-colour illustrations
£18.99 / $24.95
Myths & Legends/Witchcraft
World Rights Available

the book of forgotten witches

Dark & Twisted Folklore & Stories from Around the World

Lilla Bölecz & Balázs Tátrai

Curl up in an armchair with this very special volume containing over 80 illustrations and enthralling knowledge about witches real and legendary, who once terrorised, devoured, helped and empowered their communities, but who are now largely forgotten.

Glean wisdom from these ancient witches, gain inspiration for your witchy practice, learn about the different traditions and cultures of witches, feed your imagination and enjoy the thrills and chills! Through folklore, stories and images, The Book of Forgotten Witches introduces over 80 practitioners of witchcraft from various folk traditions and history around the world.

LILLA BÖLECZ is a visual artist specializing in book illustration, graphic art, dollmaking and pattern design. Her work is inspired by mysticism, spiritual experiences, folklore and literature. Find out more: lillabolecz.com

BALAZS TATRAI is a writer of unusual stories, rooted in folklore but branching into the unexpected. His passion is studying alchemy and 17th-century iconography. Find out more: balazstatrai.comLorem ipsum‍

182 pp booklet
Kit & Deck
114 x 76 mm
40 full-colour cards
£19.99 / $24.99
World Rights Available

The witch’s shadow work oracle

40 Cards To Wander Through The Forest Of Your Subconscious

Written by Clare Gogerty; Illustrated by Tijana Lukovic

Our shadow side is an essential part of our selves; understanding and working with it brings strength, creativity and wholeness to life. This deck will help you discover and integrate your shadow self. Pick a card and discover moon goddesses, bird souls, wolves, rebels, water spirits, archetypes, wild elements and magical creatures, all intertwined in 40 gorgeous watercolour artworks. Each card is full of many hidden meanings and associations, which help you explore your shadow self, psychologically and magically. The guidebook will go into more detail, with a description of each card’s main themes and messages, an affirmation, and an activity such as guided meditation, mandalas, dreamwork, journaling and so much more.

CLARE GOGERTY  is a writer and editor with a particular interest
in folklore, gardens and magic. She is the author of many non-fiction books including The Witch’s Year Book, Your Magical Garden and The Magic of Seeds.
has MFAs in both drawing and painting. She has over 100K followers on her Instagram: TijanaDraws

272 pp
PB 216 x 135 mm
£14.99 / $19.95
World Rights Available

how to get your teenager out of their bedroom

The Ultimate Tools And Strategies For Understanding, Connecting With And Being There For Your Teenager

Anita Cleare

There are lots of reasons teens retreat to their rooms. They might be gaming, obsessed with digital social lives, feeling self-conscious, or they might just be asserting their independence.  This book offers concrete tips on how you can maintain a good relationship and support your teen’s wellbeing despite that often-closed bedroom door, including: a focus on real-world wins and small actions to build connection; the blueprint for how to get a reluctant teen to spend time with you (and why it really matters that you persevere); tips on how to communicate effectively (without nagging!); strategies for tackling tricky issues like compulsive gaming, obsessive phone use and social anxiety; an honest look at the difficult emotions that parents experience when our child turns into a teen and starts pushing us away. This book will help you be the parent your teenager needs so you can both rise to the challenges of the teenage years.

ANITA CLEARE (MA, AdvDip) is a writer, accredited Triple P® parenting coach and leading parenting expert. She speaks at events internationally and is regularly featured as a parenting expert on TV.

224 pp
PB 216 x 135 mm
£12.99 / $16.95
Self-help and personal development
UK Commonwealth (excluding Canda) Rights Available

The unplugged hours

Cultivating A Life Of Presence In A Digitally Connected World

Hannah Brencher

We engage with our phones on average 2,617 times per day ... but what could we gain if we unplugged? Driven by a growing feeling of anxiety, and guided by her faith, Hannah Brencher set herself a challenge: 1,000 device-free hours across 365 days.

This book contains everything she learned, from how to recognize the warning signs of phone over-reliance to unplugging long-term. Hannah inspires readers to make small, attainable changes through 20 meditations on key themes, including how insecurity feeds digital addiction, the importance of truly connecting with others, learning to be alone and appreciating the beauty of everyday life. This is not a book about pursuing the unrealistic goal of ditching technology. It is about the wonderful things that can happen when we untether ourselves from our devices and live a life more present.

HANNAH BRENCHER is a writer, TED Talk speaker, mental health advocate and author of three books. She is also the founder of
The World Needs More Love Letters, a global organization using the power of social media to write and mail letters to strangers in need worldwide. Find out more: www.hannahbrenchercreative.com